Is It Possible to Get Fat From Fruit?

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The question of the calorie content of fruit arises in every person who adheres to the dietary menu or, at least, decided to exclude harmful foods from the daily diet. Both fatty and sweet ones become the target, but what about the fruit? Fat-rich avocados, sugary grapes or bananas have long been tacitly recognized as some of the most famous enemies of a slim body. So can you get fat from fruits that are high in fat and sugar? In fact, each of these fruits is a complete product for dietary nutrition, because the main thing is to observe the measure. Look at vegans who eat a lot of fruits and stay in great shape. Not convincing? Then let’s look at sugar in detail and find out if it is possible to gain excess weight from fruits.

How fructose differs from regular sugar

The source of white sugar is sugar beet or sugarcane (the only difference is in the growing region). These plants go through several stages of processing before turning into a sweetener. First of all, the root crops are crushed to the state of shavings, and then juice is extracted from them using hot water and special equipment. By the way, at this stage, the “sweet liquid” of root crops contains about 15% sucrose. Subsequently, this juice is sent for filtration, after which a syrup is prepared from it, then evaporated under the influence of sulfur dioxide and, finally, filtered again. At the current stage, the sucrose level rises to 60%. An obligatory stage in the manufacture of sugar is the crystallization process, where sucrose is separated from other components of the mixture, and the output is simple white sugar. The bulk of its composition is represented by carbohydrates (97%), vitamin B2 and 3 trace elements – calcium, iron, and potassium.

Due to the deep processing, sugar is a very powerful sweetener, which is used literally everywhere today: in desserts, soups, in meat or canning. Meanwhile, this product poses a direct danger to people suffering from excess weight, as well as diabetes. If in the first case a person gets extra pounds (one way or another this is a fixable matter), then in the second case the person’s life itself is at stake. The fact is that sucrose instantly raises blood sugar levels, dramatically worsening the body’s well-being. In contrast, fructose does not alter these parameters and is readily absorbed, including gentle digestion in the stomach.

Recall that ordinary sugar contains practically no vitamins, while “fruit sugar” is rich in vitamin and mineral complexes, and most importantly, fruits contain a lot of fiber, which is indispensable for successful weight loss. It is this component that allows you to quickly feel full and removes the feeling of hunger for a long time. It is not in vain that they recommend eating a fruit (or vegetable) with a high fiber content at night – you get a minimum of calories, but at the same time do not exhaust yourself with hunger.

If you want to get only the benefits of fruits and no extra calories – try FruThin effervescent tablets. It is an excellent weight loss product that contains a vitamin complex and extracts of fruits and berries. FruThin ingredients are safe for health and contribute to a gradual improvement in well-being.

how fructose differs from regular sugar

So why is the natural sugar in fruit harmful?

Any food product hides the downside and, in addition to benefits, can result in harm if you forget about the sense of proportion. The danger of sucrose and fructose lies in the very properties of this substance – it contains simple sugars or simple carbohydrates, which quickly “sink” into the body, have a low saturation, and the surplus goes to the “storehouse” of fat reserves. Complex substances act exactly the opposite: they perfectly saturate, for a long time allowing you to forget about hunger, fill the body with energy. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice of fruits wisely, giving preference to those that contain complex sugars. For example, pears, apples, citrus fruits, or avocados.

Of course, you shouldn’t give up bananas either, because in addition to simple carbohydrates, they contain dozens of vitamins and other useful compounds. But it is better to eat them in the morning so that excess glucose becomes a source of efficiency for the brain and does not leave marks on the stomach or thighs. You can get fat from fruits containing simple carbohydrates only in one case: forget about their calorie content and eat in kilograms, combining with other food. By the way, pure fructose in fruits is not at all hazardous to health, unlike the product of its processing – fructose in syrup, which is used as a sugar substitute (the latter creates a load on the liver and can lead to obesity if you forget about the measure again).

You may ask: “Is there a fruit which can help me to lose weight?”. We answer – Yes! This miracle fruit is a Purple Mangosteen. It is low on calories and rich in fiber, making it an exceptional supplement for weight loss and weight management. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to eat purple mangosteen every day. For those people, Purple Mangosteen powder supplement was created.

What fruit requires caution?

The list will be small since it includes the most common fruits within our country, which can be bought in any store. These are frequent and completely harmless guests of our refrigerator, if used with a grain of salt.


avocado dietThis unusual fruit with a buttery texture is considered to be one of the most nutritious fruits in the world. Just one avocado weighing 100 g contains about 160 kcal, where almost 70% of the composition is fatty acids. It is important to note here that these are unsaturated fats that improve metabolic functions, help maintain a slim figure, and inhibit the formation of cancer cells. Avocados are recommended to eat even on strict diets: despite the fat content of the fruit, its glycemic index is within 10%. In other words, the fats and carbohydrates, which the fetus is so rich in, do not raise blood sugar levels, promoting the production of insulin normally. In contrast, if you replace the avocado with a chocolate bar of similar calories (for example, 160-170 kcal), your glucose levels will rise dramatically. For healthy people, this will go unnoticed. Diabetics will have “not sweet”. However, both of them will receive an excess of glucose, which will block the ability of insulin to qualitatively process, and then distribute it into cells and tissues. Soon it will turn into the expected result in the form of a plump belly or sides, a “suddenly” formed double chin and other fat deposits. Therefore, the avocado, despite the very saturated fat composition, is a useful product for weight loss. Of course, you can get fat from these fruits if you abuse the daily norm and eat twice / three more instead of 1 fruit per day. Try to include avocado in your breakfast menu – it fills the body with energy and leaves you feeling full for a long time.


banana caloriesUnlike avocado, banana flesh is far from oily texture, and its taste is sweet and pleasant. Here lies the danger for lovers of yellow fruits, but more on that later. One banana contains about 90 kcal – a small figure, so 1 banana per day can be considered a low-calorie and healthy food. They contain vitamins of all groups (A, B and C), rich in fiber and various microelements. This is a great option for an afternoon or evening snack, as it interrupts the feeling of hunger and allows you to comfortably wait for the main meal. By the way, bananas are very softly perceived by the stomach, therefore they are recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers or gastritis). Among other things, bananas are excellent at removing toxic substances and excess water from the body, naturally helping to lose weight. Back to the risk of getting fat from eating bananas. They contain simple sugars (20 g of carbohydrates), the excess of which goes directly to body fat. If you eat one or two bananas during the day, combining it with a dietary meal and maintaining a calorie balance, the chances of gaining weight are completely excluded. On the contrary, if you eat a kilogram of bananas while watching your favorite movie in the evening, you can easily gain excess weight.


grapes caloriesWe conclude the list with sweet berries that we used to refer to as the fruit category. In terms of calorie content, grapes are significantly inferior to avocados and bananas, since they contain about 70 kcal per 100 g (in sweet varieties, the figure can increase to 75 kcal). The overwhelming majority of diets eliminate grapes from the menu, with rare exceptions allowing these fruits in the morning for breakfast or a pre-dinner snack. The proportion of carbohydrates in grapes is at around 17 g per 100 g of product, which means a fairly large amount of simple sugars. Therefore, grapes are a great option as a substitute for the standard sweetness (chocolate wedges or candy). It is only important to know when to stop and eat no more than 200 g per day, which is equivalent to half a small bunch of grapes. Is it possible to get fat from fruits, at night or in the evening, eating a whole portion in addition to the main dinner? Yes, and this shouldn’t be surprising at all, since excess sugars lead to the deposition of excess fat. Choose less sweet varieties whenever possible and enjoy your favorite flavor before lunch to help keep yourself from gaining weight.

We conclude with useful ideas – how to eat fruit to lose weight

Fruits, especially those rich in simple carbohydrates, should preferably be included in your morning or afternoon diet. They go well with yogurts and cereals. Low-calorie oatmeal, boiled in water or skim milk, is perfectly complemented by bananas and peaches. However, the best option is to eat fruit as a separate food in between main meals. This is an easy way to dampen your hunger while snacking to protect yourself from overeating at lunch or dinner. For the evening, fruits with a long-lasting satiety effect, which are full of fiber and contain complex carbohydrates, are suitable. For example, a serving of light fruit salad based on citrus, kiwi and pear with natural yogurt. An avocado dish is not forbidden for dinner, but you can only eat half of the fruit.

Try to always keep a couple of fruits on hand as a substitute for sweets. While enjoying their taste, allow yourself to take your time. It is better to forget about the concept of “eating on the go” altogether, since it goes against the feeling of satiety. The brain simply will not notice that you are already eating the second banana, because it is busy with other important tasks – filling out a report, hurrying, etc. And most importantly, can you get fat if you eat a lot of fruits? Yes, so it’s important to stick to the RDA. For a healthy person, it is 250-350 g daily; for those who are struggling with extra pounds, the rate is halved. This value applies to all types of fruits, regardless of their calorie content, and this is another reason to eat slowly and get real pleasure from food.

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